
Domaine du Grand Bois

This location is no longer for FKK/naturists

Address information

Domaine du Grand Bois
5900 route du Grand Bois
+33 (0) 474 87 04 29

Lat: 45.514810 / Long: 4.772440
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Opinions and experiences of visitors with Domaine du Grand Bois

We are also curious about your experiences with Domaine du Grand Bois. Please let us know!
Attempted to stay here on the way back from our first trip out and venture into naturist sites, having gotten onto the site which proved difficult we were reminded of the movie Deliverence and expected the banjos to start playing, we drove around and promptly left so safe to say it was not for us, it had lots of odd shaped rundown looking buildings dotted around the site, we felt glad to have escaped!
Steve and Lizzie | 17-09-2016
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